Difficulty System

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Since we made this modpack, some may consider this modpack too difficult or too easy, so we introduce a simple difficulty system.

Temperature difficulty

Body temperature

As the core system of the modpack, There are always people who play around without any clothes under the -20 degree cold wind and snowstorm, so that they freeze to death. and they say: "This is too difficult". Therefore, based on the difference in temperature loss, we introduced a difficulty system.

In file /serverconfig/frostedheart-server.toml of your save,you can see an option calledtemperatureDifficulty = , its value can be

  • Easy
  • Normal(default)
  • Hard
  • HardCore(not recommended)

Among all:

  • Easy would only cause hypothermia under 🌡️ -44.6 °Y
  • Normal under 🌡️ -30 °Y
  • Hard would hypothermia under 🌡️ -20 °Y, however, if you are running, it would be under🌡️ -30 °Y
  • HardCore would be 🌡️ 0 °Y, this means you must use heating device or foods to keep warm!

Temperature change rate

There is another option in the above file: temperatureChangeRate = , you can fill in a decimal value after it, the smaller the value means the lower the temperature change rate and the slower the temperature loss. But it will not affect the temperature effect of equipment and props.

If you feel too easy to cold to death, you can lower this value slightly.