Edit Guide For General Players

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We hope we can provide a basic guide for general players who are not familiar with wiki editing.

We assume everyone uses Visual Editor, so we won't talk about source.

Begin Your Tutorials

Tutorials that you wish to share should be published as a seperate Page, any user can create new page.


For easier searching and managing, following these rules is recommended:

  • Be concise, without being too short worded. DO NOT USE ONE WORD TITLES (such as "copper" or "start") titles. This is because this wiki is for all teammoeg modpacks, this may cause confusion for readers.
    • If you can't think of any other titles, describe what modpack you are writing tutorials for is far better, such as "Getting Copper in TWR", "First day in Winter".
  • Titles should not contain : or /
  • It should at least look like a tutorial, not a question.

Create a page

Search your title in the searchbox. If nothing comes up in the results, you can click "Create this page" to start on your page. Also, go to this page(Special:EditPage). If the page is not yet created, it will tell you the page is being created.

Link to your page

Now that you have finished your tutorial, it's time to let others know.

Talk:The Winter Rescue is the hub for tutorials, you are encouraged to put your page on it, all you need to do is edit the source of a section and add links: [[Your Page Title]] into it.

You don't need to bother with anything else, moderators and developers will take care of anything else.

Useful TWR Templates


This page is Icon banner TWR.png Related

This template is to mark the page as TWR related.


Icon banner in progress.png This Page is on progress
It is incomplete, Please wait for author to make further progress.

This template is to mark your tutorial as in progress


Icon banner tutor.png This tutorial is written for modpack version {{{1}}}.
As long as the modpack updates, Its contents may be outdated.

This template is to mark the modpack version of your tutorial. Parameters: 0: Your modpack version


Icon banner dev.png This Page is verified by developer.
In valid version range, you can trust contents provided by this page.

To get your tutorial authorized by the modpack developers. ((Only For Developers)) You may go to our discord channel to ask for this.


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See Also